
Background image: Students pass between between classes at UC Berkeley's Stanley Hall in Berkeley, Calif. on Aug. 28, 2019. (Photo by Adam Lau/Berkeley Engineering)
Image credit:
Keegan Houser

Supportal is a navigational aid designed to get you to the right campus resource quickly to start addressing your particular concern or challenge.


Navigating UC Berkeley can be challenging. The Supportal site is for people who are new to Berkeley and those who have been here for many years. It is for anybody who has ever asked the question "Who do I call or where do I go to address this particular concern that I have?" Supportal is intended to be a starting place for the entire Berkeley community to find resources. 


The Supportal project began in the 2022-23 academic year in response to requests from students, staff, and faculty for a single navigational entry point for the various support needs experienced by members of the campus community, whether seeking help for themselves or for others. This site is housed within the Chancellor's Immediate Office and is maintained on a regular basis. Supportal draws inspiration from a number of previous or still-existing websites, such as reCalibrate, the SVSH hub website, the Academic Leaders' Toolkit, and others. 
Note: This website recently transitioned from "Caring for Families" to the Berkeley Support Portal (Supportal). Supportal is a single entry point for everyone in the UC Berkeley community (students, staff, faculty, postdocs, and visitors) to find support for a variety of concerns. If you are looking for information that was on the old Caring for Families site, you will find it in Supportal under "Caregiving, parenting, and pregnancy support" and "Family-responsive policies".
Supportal is a project of the office of the Special Faculty Advisor to the Chancellor on Campus Welfare. 

A note about the terms used on this website

Throughout the Supportal website, you will see resources sorted by whether they are available to students, employees, or both. On Supportal, the term "students" refers to undergraduate, graduate, international, undocumented, and visiting students, unless otherwise noted. On Supportal, the term "employees" is used to refer to all non-academic and academic employees, postdoctoral appointees, and others who hold paid or volunteer positions at UC Berkeley, unless otherwise noted. 


We are committed to making Supportal accessible for all students, staff, faculty, and visitors. Please inform us if you notice an area for improvement by using the Suggestion Form


We will log updates made to Supportal based on feedback given. Minor updates are excluded from this log. 

  • December 2024 - Added GradPro based on feedback submitted to the suggestion box.
  • November 2024 - Added the Filter by Topic feature as an additional way to find resources.
  • June 2024 - Updated the Cyber/information Security Incident page based on suggestions from Information Security Office.
  • May 2024 - Added the DSP faculty liaisons to the People with Disabilities page based on a suggestion from the Academic Senate
  • April 2024 - Reworked the hate/bias incident section based on feedback submitted to the suggestion box
  • November 2023 - Added STEM Training, Activities, and Resources (STAR) based on feedback submitted to the suggestion box.
  • November 2023 - Added Compliance Services website link to Misuse & Conflicts of Interest (University Resources) page. Updated reporting information about research misconduct on the Academic and research dishonesty or misconduct page.
  • October 2023: Added additional "escape this site quickly" buttons to all topic pages under the Harm & Misconduct category. Existing "escape this site quickly" links are in the main menu and footer menu.
  • September 2023: Broke out the categories previously listed under "Basic Needs" to create "Housing Insecurity", "Food Insecurity", and "Financial Insecurity" category pages.
  • August 2023: Listed Employee Assistance under all basic needs resources for employees.