Personal Support Services

Supportive resources for individuals who need help with personal concerns, affecting them both inside and outside of school or work. Please click on a topic category below to begin.


Alcohol & other drugs, recovery

Alcohol and other drug-related services are available on campus to staff, faculty and other academic appointees, postdocs, students.

Eating disorders, body image, nutrition

Eating disorders are behavioral conditions characterized by severe and persistent disturbance in eating behaviors and associated distressing thoughts and emotions. University Health Services provides services to students, faculty, staff, and postdocs to help address eating disorders, body image concerns, and/or nutrition concerns.

Financial security

Help is available to students and employees who need assistance making ends meet or need financial assistance in an emergency.

Food security

Help is available to students and employees who need assistance affording stable, nutritious meals.

Grief (including student or employee death)

The death of a family member, friend, colleague, or community member is always difficult. Resources on campus are available to all in the campus community, including faculty and other academic appointees, staff, postdocs, undergraduate students, and graduate/professional students.

Housing security

Help is available to students and employees who need assistance finding or affording housing.


UC Berkeley strives to cultivate a menopause-supportive workplace, supporting people experiencing all stages of menopause, including perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause (“menopause”). Please visit the Univesity Health Services Menopause-Supportive Workplace webpage, created in collaboration by the Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women.

Mental health

Seeking help when you or someone you know is struggling with mental health is an act of courage and care. Mental health services are available on campus to staff, faculty and academic appointees, postdocs, and students. You can also get help for someone you are concerned about.

Physical illness & injury

Call 911 in an emergency. If staff, faculty and academic appointees, postdocs, or students become seriously injured or ill (including work-related injury/illness), there are resources and options.