Environmental concerns

Resources for all

In an emergency, including fire, please immediately call 911 or call the UCPD emergency line (510) 642-3333.

The Office of Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) provides guidance and services to the campus community that promote health, safety, and environmental stewardship. 

EH&S provides instructions to report an issue or safety concern to their office. The EH&S website also provides safety information by topic, including the following: 

  • Biological safety
  • Chemical safety
  • Environmental protection
  • Fire safety
  • Hazardous materials
  • Laboratory safety 
  • Workplace safety 
  • Wildfire smoke and air quality

The website Creeks of Berkeley is a central resource for creek research, habitat restoration projects, and stormwater information.

  • To report an environmental emergency (a spill or hazardous condition that could impact creeks or the Bay): Call EH&S at (510) 642-3073, and press 1.
  • To report non-emergency concerns, email creeks@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail) with details.