Child & elder abuse/neglect

Many University employees are required by law to report crimes against children or dependent adults and elders to law enforcement or social services authorities. The following resources are available to anyone who needs them, including staff, faculty and other academic appointees, postdocs, and students.

Who are Mandated Reporters

Certain employees and volunteers of UC Berkeley are considered Mandated Reporters. Mandated Reports include, but are not limited to, people whose job duties include:

  • Contact with or supervision of children on a regular basis
  • Supervision of other mandated reporters

Mandated Reporter Obligations

When a Mandated Reporter witnesses, suspects, or is told about the abuse or neglect of a child, dependent adult, or elder, they are required to report it to the appropriate authorities. Please follow the reporting steps in the Office of Risk Services Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect infographic. A summary of the steps to report can be found below: 

  1. Immediately notify police (UCPD: 510-642-6760) & your supervisor
  2. Submit an internal report to the University Whistleblower Hotline (Write down the report key)
  3. Submit a CANRA Report within 36 hours to authorities (Include report key)

For additional information, please contact the Office of Risk Services (510-289-8282 or People & Culture also provides information on their Reporting Abuse Against Children or Dependent Adults and Elders webpage

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