Helps undergraduates discover opportunities in & beyond the classroom to apply learning and get experience in their field. The website centralizes information and guide students to discover what they want to do through real-world experience.
GradPro is the campus Graduate Student Professional Development Resource Hub. Services for students include one-on-one consultations to receive personalized resource referrals and support, accountability Check-in Groups, a bi-monthly Professional Development Digest overviewing events and opportunities, a Guide to developing core professional competencies, workshops, and resource lists on key professional topics.
Provides a Faculty Engagement Tool to explore and connect with our campus STEM programs and resources, which can be helpful with outreach, dissemination, and retention efforts.
For Staff: People & Culture
People and Culture's People and Organization Team provides a number of resources to get connected and grow your career, community, DEIB, engagement, impact, journey, resources, skills.