Career development (students & employees)

Student resources

Resource for students

Berkeley Career Engagement

Helps students with career readiness resources, communities, career events, one-on-one appointments, and more. Berkeley Career Engagement has resources for graduate student and postdocs and resources especially for historically marginalized communities.

Resource for students

The Discovery Hub

Helps undergraduates discover opportunities in & beyond the classroom to apply learning and get experience in their field. The website centralizes information and guide students to discover what they want to do through real-world experience. 

Resource for students

University Health Services Career Services

University Health Services offers career counseling, assessment, and a Career Counseling Library.

Resource for students


GradPro is the campus Graduate Student Professional Development Resource Hub. Services for students include one-on-one consultations to receive personalized resource referrals and support, accountability Check-in Groups, a bi-monthly Professional Development Digest overviewing events and opportunities, a Guide to developing core professional competencies, workshops, and resource lists on key professional topics.

Employee resources

For Faculty: The Office for Faculty Equity and Welfare (OFEW)

Offers resources for faculty advancement and professional developmentNew faculty can also find support, information, and resources from the OFEW website.

For Faculty: STEM Training, Activities, and Resources (STAR)

Provides a Faculty Engagement Tool to explore and connect with our campus STEM programs and resources, which can be helpful with outreach, dissemination, and retention efforts.

For Staff: People & Culture

People and Culture's People and Organization Team provides a number of resources to get connected and grow your career, community, DEIB, engagement, impact, journey, resources, skills.