Compliance training concerns

Some resources differ for students and employees. On this page, you can jump to: 

Employee resources | Student resources

Employee resources

  • If you are an employee and have questions about a compliance training you were assigned in the UC Learning Center, please visit the People & Culture Foundational Skills website. The site also provides troubleshooting help. If you are having issues with an employee SVSH training, please consult the "SVSH Training for Employees FAQs" page.
  • If you need further assistance troubleshooting technical problems (pop-ups, cookies, browser compatibility) please contact sends e-mail).
  • For questions about your system access, completion status, or need to request a disability-related accommodation, please contact
  • For information about required sexual violence and sexual harassment prevention trainings, please visit the Required Trainings page of the SVSH hub website.

Student resources

  • For troubleshooting technical problems with compliance trainings you were assigned in CalCentral, please contact
  • For information about required sexual violence and sexual harassment prevention trainings, please visit the Required Trainings page of the SVSH hub website.

Please note: If you are a student employee, you may be required to complete training for employees. Any training you are assigned as an employee is required in addition to the training you are required to complete as a student.