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An employee may file a grievance if they believe the work terms and conditions of their employment, or their rights as an employee, have been violated. Employees may attempt first to informally resolve the issue with their immediate supervisor. The campus also has resources to assist employees with workplace equity questions.
Represented employees
Represented employees, academic and non-academic, may file a grievance if believe the University violated a specific provision of the union contract. If you are a represented employee, your union representative is a good place to start for grievances.
PPSM-covered staff (both PSS and MSP)
Staff may file a written complaint to Employee and Labor Relations using the specified form.
Non-represented academic appointees
Non-represented academic appointees may file a written complaint to the Academic Personnel Office (APO).
Faculty may contact the Office for Faculty Equity & Welfare if they have workplace-related concerns. The Academic Personnel Office (APO) can also assist with questions about personnel cases. Senate faculty may file a grievance with the Committee on Privilege and Tenure (using the specified form) if they believe their faculty rights or privileges have been violated. It is recommended to consult the Academic Senate's Panel of Counselors before submitting a written grievance.