Targeted violence and active threats


If you see a person with a weapon on campus, immediately call 911 or 510-642-3333 via a cell phone.

From the University of California Police Department (UCPD): "We all hope it never happens, but the campus community must recognize the potential for an active shooter or other active deadly threat to occur. UCPD Berkeley’s highest priorities include the prevention of and preparation for events involving targeted violence. Statistically, the chance for any individual to ever experience such a situation is low, but we ask everyone to be aware of warning signs, to be alert to their surroundings, and to contact the police or reach out to other appropriate resources when a concern exists."

Resource available for all

Office for Emergency Management

The Office for Emergency Management provides information on what to do if you notice a suspicious package or there is a bomb threat.

Remember: If you see something, say something!

Resource available for all

Workplace Violence Prevention

Learn about the UC Berkeley Workplace Violence Prevention plan, including how to report an incident or threat of workplace violence

Resource available for all

Enhancing Safety on Campus and In the Community website

Provides information about campus security efforts, safety best practices, and answers to frequently asked questions.

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