Learning and working environment

Resource for students

Ombuds Office for Students & Postdoctoral Appointees

If you have concerns about a learning environment or classroom climate, the Ombuds Office for Students & Postdoctoral Appointees (confidential) can help you navigate your options and make a plan for how to address it.

Resource for students

ASUC Student Advocate’s Office

The ASUC Student Advocate's Office can help you navigate your options and make a plan for how to address it.

For instructors:

Center for Teaching and Learning

The Center for Teaching and Learning offers guidance, including a guide to advancing equity and inclusion(link is external).

Faculty and Departmental Diversity Initiatives

Faculty and Departmental Diversity Initiatives within the Division of Equity and Inclusion provide consultation and resources.

Faculty Equity Advisors

Faculty Equity Advisors serve as a resource for promoting a positive department climate.

Resource for students

GSI Teaching and Resource Center

The GSI Teaching and Resource Center, an academic unit of the Graduate Division, prepares graduate students for teaching undergraduates at UC Berkeley and for the teaching they will do in future academic and nonacademic careers.

Gender Equity Resource Center (GenEq)

The Gender Equity Resource Center (GenEq) provides information about creating inclusive classrooms for trans* and gender-expansive students.

Work environments

Berkeley People Management Series

The Berkeley People Management series provides a workshop on Creating an Inclusive Work Environment.

Multicultural Education Program (MEP)

MEP offers workshops for staff and campus departments that address issues of diversity, inclusion and multiculturalism. that foster a welcoming and healthy campus climate. 

Ombuds Offices

If you are concerned about the your workng environment (for example, you feel that you or people with your identities are disrespected at work), a good place to start is the Staff Ombuds Office(link is external) or the Faculty Ombuds(link is external), both confidential resources.

You may also seek mental health support from Be Well at Work - Employee Assistance(link is external) (confidential).

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging by People & Culture

Berkeley People and Culture's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging department hosts resources, including the Equity Guidelines for the Workplace Toolkit(link is external) and Diversity in Hiring Toolkit

Resource available for all

Workplace Violence Prevention

Learn about the UC Berkeley Workplace Violence Prevention plan, including how to report an incident or threat of workplace violence.