Berkeley Support Portal

"Supportal" is a single entry point for all UC Berkeley community members to find support for themselves or others about a variety of concerns.

Background image: Three people walk through Sather Gate. People move through around Sproul Plaza in the background.


Navigating UC Berkeley can be challenging. You may be concerned about yourself, or someone you care about, and want to speak with someone. Or you may be looking for information but not sure what search term to use or what website to start with. The links below lead to the support resources for the most commonly asked questions at Berkeley. If you don’t see what you are looking for, click the "not finding what you need?" link on this page. We want to help you!

This website is designed for everyone in our campus community — staff, faculty and other academic appointees, undergraduates, graduate and professional students, postdoctoral appointees, visiting scholars, visitors to campus, volunteers, and anyone else who has a connection to UC Berkeley.

Learning, Research, Working

Academic and research dishonesty or misconduct

Academic misconduct and/or research misconduct can include plagiarism, cheating, alteration of university documents, false information and representation, fabrication or alteration of information, theft or damage of intellectual property.

Academic support (students)

Undergraduate, graduate and professional students, and postdocs have options for support with concerns related to academic standing, degree progress, writing skills or other academic help, and career readiness.

Accommodations & supportive measures

Staff, faculty and academic appointees, postdocs, and students may request supportive measures, including accommodation of religious creed, absences due to illness, accommodations for pregnancy and parenting, supportive measures for sexual violence/harassment, and hardship accommodations.

Career development (students & employees)

Career development resources are available to students, staff, and faculty.

Compliance training concerns

All UC Berkeley students, staff, faculty, postdocs, and other academic appointees are required to complete training on certain important topics. If you have questions about the compliance training you were assigned, this page can help you find help.

Cyber/information security incident

Cyber/information security incidents include computer system breaches; unauthorized access to, changes to, or use of systems, software, or data; loss or theft of equipment storing institutional data; a denial of service attack; ransomware.

Extracurricular support

Many students find fulfillment and a sense of belonging while participating in extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities can also help students with their academic and career goals. This page points to several campus directories of organizations students can join. Some are specific to graduate students, and others to undergraduate students.

Family-responsive policies (leave, benefits, accommodations)

The campus has a number of family-responsive policies and resources for parents and caregivers, whether you are a student, staff, or academic appointee.

Grade disputes

Students may dispute or appeal a grade they received. Resources are also available for instructors.

Grievances & equity concerns (employment)

An employee may file a grievance if they believe the terms and conditions of their employment, or their rights as an employee, have been violated.

Learning and working environment

There are a number of resources for creating equitable and inclusive classroom, research, and working environments.

Privacy & FERPA concerns

Students may grieve a violation of their privacy or rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Conflict and Conflicts of Interest

Conflict resolution

Resources are available to staff, faculty and academic appointees, postdocs, and students to assist and consult with managing conflict. Resources are also available for those who need assistance with a conflict or dispute between a landlord and a tenant.

Misuse & conflicts of interest (University resources)

All staff, faculty and academic appointees, postdocs, students, and non-affiliates may report unethical or improper conduct related to the University, such as conflict of interest or the misuse of University resources.

Relationships that may cross professional boundaries (consensual relationships)

Reporting options and support are available to faculty, staff, and students concerned about personal relationships that may cross professional boundaries and/or create a conflict of interest that is prohibited by university policy.

Personal Support

Alcohol & other drugs, recovery

Alcohol and other drug-related services are available on campus to staff, faculty and other academic appointees, postdocs, students.

Eating disorders, body image, nutrition

Eating disorders are behavioral conditions characterized by severe and persistent disturbance in eating behaviors and associated distressing thoughts and emotions. University Health Services provides services to students, faculty, staff, and postdocs to help address eating disorders, body image concerns, and/or nutrition concerns.

Financial security

Help is available to students and employees who need assistance making ends meet or need financial assistance in an emergency.

Food security

Help is available to students and employees who need assistance affording stable, nutritious meals.

Grief (including student or employee death)

The death of a family member, friend, colleague, or community member is always difficult. Resources on campus are available to all in the campus community, including faculty and other academic appointees, staff, postdocs, undergraduate students, and graduate/professional students.

Housing security

Help is available to students and employees who need assistance finding or affording housing.


UC Berkeley strives to cultivate a menopause-supportive workplace, supporting people experiencing all stages of menopause, including perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause (“menopause”). Please visit the Univesity Health Services Menopause-Supportive Workplace webpage, created in collaboration by the Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women.

Mental health

Seeking help when you or someone you know is struggling with mental health is an act of courage and care. Mental health services are available on campus to staff, faculty and academic appointees, postdocs, and students. You can also get help for someone you are concerned about.

Physical illness & injury

Call 911 in an emergency. If staff, faculty and academic appointees, postdocs, or students become seriously injured or ill (including work-related injury/illness), there are resources and options.

Community and Affinity Resources

Affinity spaces

Starting points for students and employees to find affinity spaces.

Campus equity and inclusion initiatives

Numerous campus-wide and population-specific equity and inclusion initiatives are underway on campus.

First Generation Students

Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), in the Centers for Educational Equity and Excellence (CE3), provides first-generation, low-income, and underrepresented college students with the guidance and resources necessary to succeed. TRIO Student Support Services (SSS),...

Formerly incarcerated students

Berkeley Underground Scholars (BUS) creates a pathway for incarcerated, formerly incarcerated and system-impacted individuals into higher education. They work to build a prison-to-school pipeline through recruitment, retention, and advocacy. BUS is an academic support program. The Underground Scholars Initiative (USI) was created to support all prospective and current UC Berkeley students impacted by issues...

Foster youth (current and former)

Berkeley Hope Scholars, in the Centers for Educational Equity and Excellence (CE3), is an academic retention program at UC Berkeley supporting all incoming freshman, transfer, graduate, and continuing students who are current and former foster youth, probation youth, or were orphaned before the age of 18.

International communities

Information and support is available for the international communities of UC Berkeley.

LGBTQ+ communities

Services, resources, and community support are available to LGBTQ+ staff, faculty and academic appointees, postdocs, and students.

People who are pregnant, parents, caregivers

The university offers a range of resources for staff, faculty and academic appointees, postdocs, and students who are pregnant, parenting, or caregiving.

People with disabilities

Students and employees with disabilities have the right to request reasonable accommodation and services.

Religious & spiritual communities

UC Berkeley welcomes students and employees of many cultures, faith backgrounds, and beliefs. Resources and community spaces are available for many religious, faith-based, and cultural communities on campus.

Transfer students

Miller Scholars(link is external) (the George A. Miller Scholars Program) provides outstanding community college transfer students the opportunity to develop leadership, research and/or community service skills and apply them in practice. Every year ten low-income, first-generation students are selected based on their leadership potential, academic excellence, and commitment to community service and...

Undergraduates over age 25

The Re-entry Student Program, in the Centers for Educational Equity and Excellence (CE3), provides services and resources for the population of undergraduate students at Berkeley ages 25 and older.

Undocumented communities

The University of California welcomes and supports all individuals without regard to their immigration status. Resources are available to undocumented members of our community.

Veterans, reservists, and active duty service members

Veterans, reservists, and active service members Cal Veteran Services Center, in the Centers for Educational Equity and Excellence (CE3), is dedicated to providing programs and services in support of the academic and personal success of student veterans. Berkeley Career Engagement provides career...

Harm and Misconduct

Abusive conduct (bullying)

All affiliates (staff, faculty and other academic appointees, postdocs, students) and third parties who experience or observe abusive conduct, including bullying and other disruptive behaviors, in the workplace have options for support and reporting.

Child & elder abuse/neglect

Anyone who witnesses, suspects, or is told about child, dependent adult, or elder abuse or neglect should report it. Certain employees and volunteers of UC Berkeley are required to report suspected child, dependent adult, or elder abuse.

Criminal activity

In an emergency, call 911. To report a crime no longer in progress to UCPD, please call the non-emergency line (510) 642-6760. Help is available to staff, faculty and academic appointees, postdocs, students, and third parties (non-affiliates) who have experienced or observed a crime.

Disruptive behavior on campus

If there is an emergency, call 911. For non-emergency situations in which a person behaving in a way that is disruptive on campus, please contact UCPD at their non-emergency number: (510) 642-6760.

Harassment & discrimination (including online harassment)

Discrimination and harassment is prohibited. Experiencing or witnessing discrimination or harassment can be very difficult and distressing. Please know there are resources and reporting options available to you.

Hate or bias incident

Resources and reporting options are available to staff, faculty, postdocs, and students who become a target of or witness a hate crime or hate-motivated act.

Hazing (students)

Hazing is not permitted at UC Berkeley. Hazing is defined as "participating in hazing or any method of initiation or pre-initiation into a campus organization or other activity engaged in by the organization or members of the organization at any time that causes, or is likely to cause, physical injury or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in psychological harm to any student or other person."

Misconduct by Athletics staff

Cal Athletics takes violations of University and Department of Athletics policies, NCAA bylaws, and federal and state laws seriously. Students, student-athletes, employees, and visitors may report a concern.

Misconduct by UCPD officer

Community members who believe they were mistreated by a UCPD officer or that other misconduct has occurred have the ability to report the misconduct and to seek support.

Sexual violence & harassment

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual harassment, relationship violence, stalking, sexual assault, invasions of sexual privacy, sexual exploitation, or other forms of sexual violence, there are resources on campus for you. Resources are available to staff, faculty and academic appointees, postdocs, students, and third parties (non-affiliates).

Targeted violence and active threats

IN AN EMERGENCY, DIAL 911. If you see a person with a weapon on campus, immediately call 911 or 510-642-3333 via a cell phone.

Threat of harm to self or others

If you need emergency support related to a threat of harm from someone else (including imminent risk of harm to self or others), please call 911 or call the UCPD emergency number (510) 642-3333 anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Help is available to staff, faculty and academic appointees, postdocs, students, and third parties (non-affiliates).

On-Campus Concerns

Campus building and housing concerns

Facilities concerns include maintenance requests, building systems or utility shutdowns, lost keys, help with electronic access to buildings. There are different resources depending on whether your concern is about campus residences or academic/administrative buildings.

Campus emergency preparedness and notifications

Resources are available to all students, employees, and visitors to campus to help prepare for an emergency. Staff, faculty and academic appointees, postdocs, and students have multiple ways to be notified of emergencies.

Criminal activity

In an emergency, call 911. To report a crime no longer in progress to UCPD, please call the non-emergency line (510) 642-6760. Help is available to staff, faculty and academic appointees, postdocs, students, and third parties (non-affiliates) who have experienced or observed a crime.

Disruptive behavior on campus

If there is an emergency, call 911. For non-emergency situations in which a person behaving in a way that is disruptive on campus, please contact UCPD at their non-emergency number: (510) 642-6760.

Environmental concerns

In an emergency, including fire, call 911 or the UCPD emergency line (510) 642-3333. Resources are available to students, employees, and visitors if you have campus environmental safety concerns.

Navigating safely around campus

Resources are available to staff, faculty and academic appointees, postdocs, and students who have concerns about navigating or getting around campus safely, including at night.

Protesting safely on campus

Free expression is encouraged but must not interfere with the University operation, teaching and other’s rights to expression and may not damage/impede University property. Campus regulations govern the time, place, and manner of public expression on University property.

Targeted violence and active threats

IN AN EMERGENCY, DIAL 911. If you see a person with a weapon on campus, immediately call 911 or 510-642-3333 via a cell phone.

Unhoused outreach support

Situated in an urban environment, UC-Berkeley–like the City of Berkeley and our neighboring cities–is significantly impacted by high housing costs and associated homelessness. In embracing this reality, we have partnered with the city to similarly bring a care and services-first approach to supporting unhoused neighbors sleeping on and adjacent to campus.

If this is a life-threatening emergency, call 911 immediately.